- 27 cards with attractive colors: each card has a unique design so students can easily read them, and the teacher uses these cards alongside contemplation so students grow attached to Allah and His Most Beautiful Names.
- A unique, first-of-its-kind curriculum using the methodology of tafakkur (reflective worship) for building iman of children, and all that this iman entails of knowledge, implementation and behavior.
- Works to plant the love of Allah, The Most High, in the hearts of children
- Works to build self-esteem through contemplating over the honor and blessings Allah has given us, while also utilizing universal self-esteem development theories
- Works to implant values and develop morals and manners in a unique way, based on creative, educational cognitive techniques
- Nurtures talent and creativity, and helps uncover them in children. Each lesson helps develop the skills of critical and creative thinking, and all ten types of multiple intelligence.
- Relies on the most updated educational theories of the 21st century, which are cognitive-based models
- Applies the most recent, updated psychological theories, all-in-one program
- Engages the senses and works to develop the aesthetic sense of the child
- Fulfills the role of parental education in the form of a well-studied curriculum
- Revised by a team of religious and educational experts
The Think with Anoos curriculum is an innovative, comprehensive curriculum for building the faith of a Muslim child, as well as his character and creativity. It was designed as a development tool to help educational institutes achieve the lofty educational goals they desire from a contemporary Islamic perspective. The philosophy of this work springs from the need of educational institutes and families for curriculums that build the identity and character of children in light of our Islamic and Arab values. At the same time, this work benefits from worldwide expertise in the area of education, especially with respect to character building, cognitive development, intelligence and creativity.
صمم منهاج تفكر مع أنوس- المنهاج الإبداعي الشامل في بناء إيمان الطفل المسلم وشخصته وإبداعه- ليشكل أداة تطويرية تساعد المؤسسات التعليمية في تحقيق أهداف التربية المتميزة التي تنشدها برؤية إسلامية معاصرة تنبثق فلسفتها من حاجة المؤسسات التربوية والأسر إلى مناهج تبني هوية الفرد وشخصيته في ضوء قيمنا العربية والإسلامية مع الجمع والإفادة من الخبرات العالمية في المجال التربوي خاصة في مجال بناء الشخصية وتنمية التفكير والإبداع والذكاء.